Thursday, 16 February 2017


Life is filled with its ups and downs, sometimes we have a good reason to smile, laugh and be in a celebratory mood but at other times one could be left in pain and tears, left to reel in disappointments of fallen expectations. No one is exempted from this experience, the poor face it, and the rich also face it.
This is how life rolls; there would be good times, tough times and very difficult times, the choice we make when facing these situations will determine our next level, a new phase for better or for worse.

No one was born with all the information they need to survive in this world, which is why learning never stops. Not everyone will feel the need to spell everything out for you in black and white or try to open your eyes when they sense your ignorance. You would probably only learn when something hits you, either good or bad, it could be a great experience that will help re-shape your life, if only you allow it to.
Some experiences can be so bad that it throws one’s mind into darkness, we get to have a bad taste of how wicked people can be or sometimes get to learn how great God is.

I am not perfect, nobody is perfect, we cannot always be lucky to have things happen our way all the time because time and chance happeneth to them all (Eccl. 9:11), but our response (positive) rather than our reaction (negative) is quite vital to our survival.
We can choose to win over every circumstance, every situation we find ourselves by having the right attitude, it may not always be easy as a Sunday morning but it is worth a trial. When we choose to win, we keep our hopes alive. Hope is the last thing anyone should lose, because when it is gone, everything will be lost.

A positive attitude goes a long way to open doors of elevation, and is highly rewarding. Choosing to win increases one’s determination to succeed, establishes focus, increases hope and faith. The power of  a positive mind set cannot be so easily defeated, even when faced with failure, disappointment, setbacks, defeat, the mind resets to starting again, never giving up, putting more effort, finding a way to achieve the goal, for where there is a will there is a way. It reflects positively in decision making, going up is the only way forward.

The reverse is the case when we choose to die. Emotions can sometimes be hard to control but the man that can exercise control over his emotions is king. We choose to die when we fail to keep our head up and be in control of our negative emotions. Exhibiting the wrong attitude towards work, people and situations can force a closed door situation and break the ladder of elevation.

A negative mind set can be easily destroyed and can destroy. Choosing to die diminishes all hope and kills the spirit. This choice, more often than not leads one to live a desert life, the thoughts of success can only be seen as a mirage, disappearing into thin air each time we think we have arrived.

The choice to die is highly evident in having a bad attitude, a negative reaction towards life. Most times when one realizes his or her mistake, it might be too late to turn the tide. The pangs of regret begin to bite, soothed painfully by the solemn tune of ‘had I known’, such a pitiful tune, played back to back at a pity party, the worst kind of party to attend.

Though there are times when we have our backs against the wall, we know we are being cheated and being taken undue advantage of, we have no choice but to react, it could be the only way out that would bring positive results, and even at that wisdom needs to be employed to minimize or completely eliminate the chances of an uprising, fatality or near fatality, a breakdown in the management of relationships and so on. It can be laudable at times when you have to get out of your comfort zone and fight for your right, fight for what is right and take a stand for a good cause. There is always a price to pay so before you act, stop to think and ask yourself, if the end will justify the means.

The power to choose lies in our hands, we can choose to win, brave the storm and steer  the ship till we reach the ocean shore or we can choose to die and sink to the ocean floor or land in murky waters.
The choice ultimately is ours to make.


Great power and consequent riches lies in offering services sometimes we find ourselves in a fix and we ask, what can I do?. Such a simple question but the answer seems far-fetched, but there is a solution to this question that lies in finding out the needs of others, studying the immediate environment, community or world at large and finding out its needs, while also discovering in what capacity one can offer service to meet those needs.
There is always a need to be met, a vacuum to be filled, even if someone else is already executing the same idea, employing the power of one’s creativity will make the idea to stand out.
The answer also lies in learning how to make life and tasks easier for people in any niche and creatively discover how to satisfy these needs and make work less stressful and more enjoyable.

The power lies in us.

Thanks for reading 😊

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