Saturday, 17 December 2016

In the Spirit of Christmas: A PRAYER FOR YOU

                        A PRAYER FOR YOU.

Good day to you, I may not be rich in possessions, or have silver or gold to share, but I can do something powerful, I will get down on my knees and say a prayer for you.
I pray that death will not know your doorstep; sickness will not rub you of your happiness. You and your family will walk majestically in the New Year and be singled out by God's grace.
You shall be blessed in every area of your life; Joy, peace, love, happiness, success, good health and prosperity will join your household and never depart in Jesus name.
All your journeys will be safe and fruitful; you will not be a victim of circumstances but a victor in all that you do.
Divine promotion is your portion; you will drive your own car and move into your own house. Multiple blessings will locate you beyond your wildest imagination; the works of your hands shall be blessed above measures.

The years of your life that the locusts and cankerworm have eaten will be replenished by an exceedingly bountiful harvest by His grace. All those who have been mocking you shall turn around and celebrate with you, because you shall have every reason to always celebrate. New age, wedding, child dedication, property dedication, career upliftment and business breakthroughs. You shall not lack any good thing as long as the Lord lives.
Long life and prosperity will become your soulmate. Disaster and evil doers will not cross your path. You shall begin to experience heaven on earth.
God, our Father, the Promise keeper will never leave or forsake you in every situation, through the fire and stormy weather He will guide you to an expected and glorious end. You shall become a conqueror and not a casualty.
Divine favour will locate you in all your endeavours.  The achievement that no one in your family has attained will be yours. Your name shall be recognized and cause doors to open. The gates of hell shall not prevail against you and your family.
May the blood of Jesus be a sign post on your life to ward off every evil and may your days be long and fruitful. The eleventh hour miracle will creep up on you like a thief in the night, and wipe away all your tears in Jesus precious name. Can I hear a resounding Amen?

Compliments of the season

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